Monday, January 18, 2010

Choosing Your Character, Part 3 - Borrow Your Friend's Character

Since, in all likelihood, a friend pulled you into Dekaron SEA, you might as well ask if you can borrow his account for a while, to take his character for a spin. If you like it, you can say, you'll make one yourself. There's no better way to see if you'll immediately like a character unless you take it for a test drive.

Your friend might try to talk to you about 'handling,' and what his character is primarily about. Listen, to some extent, but since you likely don't have his experience in handling his character, you're better off with a naive test drive, to see if you'll have fun at what you do.

Just make sure your friend allows you to use his account, and that you don't sell or steal his items, or transfer them. Because you certainly don't want that done to unto you. Also, please have the courtesy to admit to other players, when you 'pilot' your friend's character, that you are not the owner.

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