Thursday, January 14, 2010

Character Spotlight - Segnale, Part 1 - Get Boosted by a Seg

If you've just started in Dekaron SEA, you might come across other characters following a higher level Segnale (Seg) around, and in a party. A Seg is actually in the best position to boost a character's level. She can cast Area of Effect (AOE) skills that kill mobs en masse. She can also keep the lower level character alive through her many buffs. These buffs boost a character's guard rate, attack power, shields, and provide continuous health points (HP) replenish. Being continuously healed means you save up on health potions (red pots).

So when you can party with a Seg, it's a blessing. If you can borrow one or have a friend with a Seg help you level up, it would be much faster compared to grinding  solo. Also, you are also less likely to be PK'd by parties composed of lower level characters, who want you out of their spot. That's because a Seg is also hard to kill.

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