Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stat and Skill Point Distribution - do your character's math right

Your character's stat point distribution in strength, heal, dexterity, and spirit, as well your skill point distribution, must be seen in a long term perspective. Distribute your stats incorrectly and you end up dying to monsters, losing horribly in PvP, and getting seriously laughed at. Here are some tips you might like to keep in mind.

Mind your character's particular needs. For example, a Bagi, before he reaches Traumen Armor level (130-138), is advised to put all his points to meet his level's weapon requirement. The rest of the points should go to heal, as a Bagi is known for and is prized in parties as a tank. Putting too much in strength jacks up a Bagi's physical damage, sacrificing health and shields.

Never put too few stat points in heal. Damage is always impressive. But when you keep dying to mobs, or are too dependent on a Segnale to keep you alive, you're not much use in parties. It's also annoying to keep having to run back to a hard-to-get-to part of a map, just so you can grind. 

When you upgrade a weapon, the stat requirement goes up, too. If your stats fit the weapon you're wearing, and you succeed in upgrading your weapon, the stat requirement goes up after +4. So if you don't have stat points to distribute, you might end up not being able to wear your upgraded weapon.

Put enough skill points in your Area of Effect (AOE) skills. This is so that you can farm properly, even when alone; and so you may be able to kill mobs when you join team play events, such as Dead Front and Instance Dungeons.

You might be changing builds as you go, depending on your play style and the items you have. As a rule of thumb, when it takes too long to kill mobs that match your level (and when you keep dying easily to them), something's wrong. With you. And your stat and skill point distribution.

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