Friday, January 15, 2010

Choosing Your Character, Part 1 - Listen to Your Friends

If you're not too engrossed with online games, but just got pulled into Dekaron SEA by your friends, you might as well ask them what character they recommend. This makes your choice easier. They would usually tell you, straight away, what their characters are, implying you take on the same one. Or they'd sound off a list of traits many of the Dekaron SEA characters are known for.

Would you like a close-quarters, high damage-dealing, high-speed attacking character? Why not an Azure Knight (AK)? How about a ranged magician that wipes out mobs in seconds? That would be an Incar Magician (mage). Do you want to be always needed? Go with a healer, a Segnale (Seg). Want a brawler-tank that only gets powerful late in the game? A Bagi Warrior (Bagi) it is, then. How about some impunity? Then go with a Segita Hunter (Hunter), with its long-ranged attacks and evasion tactics. A Vicious Summoner (VS), despite the name, isn't really that vicious, though its summons can draw an extra lure, allowing it to be sought-after in grinding parties. Maybe you want that.

Your friends might recommend you go with a character that makes their levelling lives easier. Like a Seg. Or a Mage to help them farm and at the same time defend from PK. Whatever the case, rest assured that no matter how well or how badly your choice turns out, you can always blame your friends.

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